Every Friday in July and August, SP+ will be dressing down in support of patients and families at UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital.
100% of the funds raised through Jeans for Genes will support cutting-edge research and life-saving treatment for children and young adults with genetic disorders such as:
Gene replacement therapy for Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a rare and progressive genetic disorder that affects motor neurons in the spinal cord. The condition leads to muscle weakness including, in some patients, the muscles needed to breathe and swallow.
Whole genome sequencing in neonates, which allows for the early detection or diagnosis of disease. Additionally sequencing provides a foundation for clinical research on more effective treatments and potential cures for such diseases as hemophilia, spinal muscular atrophy, cystic fibrosis, some cancers, and sickle cell disease.
Your tax deductible donation will be matched by the Rainbow Foundation!
To participate, simply register and donate $5 for each Friday you plan to dress down or save $10 and donate just $35 to dress down all nine Fridays in July and August.
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